Sagol Gomtang (Beef Bone Flavored Soup)

Very rich taste from 100% beef bone extract.
Beef bone broth soup slow simmered for hours for its rich flavor.
Great as-is or as a base for other creative soup or stew recipes.
Easy and simple to prepare; not only at home, but traveling, hiking, fishing, and more.



Product Code A19430002
Product Name(ENG) Sagol Gomtang (Beef Bone Flavored Soup)
Product Name(KOR) 옛날사골곰탕(OA)
Net WT. 11.83floz[350ml]/10
Storage Dry
Description Very rich taste from 100% beef bone extract.
Beef bone broth soup slow simmered for hours for its rich flavor.
Great as-is or as a base for other creative soup or stew recipes.
Easy and simple to prepare; not only at home, but traveling, hiking, fishing, and more.
Direction. (A) Stove Top
(1) Pour the soup in a pot and warm it.(B) Boiling water
(1) Put the pouch into boiling water and boil for 2 minutes.(C) Microwave (700W)
(1) Pour the soup into the microwavable bowl and wrap with plastic food wrap.
(2) Microwave for 3 minutes 30 seconds.

*Good for the soup base of dumpling soup, pork-kimchi stew, seaweed soup, and more.